
doujin gallery Gallery Fake

doujin gallery Gallery Fake


Japanese comic heroes come to life at Cosplay

Japanese comic heroes come to life at Cosplay
PRINCESSES in flowing ballgowns, pilots of futuristic vessels and gigantic robots competed

on a level playing field at the national Cosplay championship at the weekend.

The grand final of the "costume play" event, held in an Albert Park hotel, brought together

Australia's most fervent supporters of Japanese comics and cartoons, better known as manga

and anime. Rather than just read or watch, people like Adelaide's Jenita Naipal spend

hundreds of hours making costumes of their favourite characters and then parading about in


"I've had 3½ months to make it - that's a short time in the costuming world," the 24-year-

old said, struggling out of her robot suit from Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

"The arms are 190 centimetres, the head would be another 30 centimetres on top of that. I'm

five-foot-one-and-a-half [155 centimetres] so I'm walking with my hands above my head … I

was dying in there."

The fifth-placed Naipal won products from anime distributor Madman, which put on the event.

"I can definitely improve," she added.

Melbourne's Nicole Collis, 21, has just finished a digital arts course at RMIT, but her life

has been "full-time costume pandemonium" since then. The competition's runner-up is widely

known as Siera, her pen-name on internet forums, and she portrayed Rue from Princess Tutu, a

manga with a similar story to Swan Lake.

"I love the performance, being in character, it's a unique and creative way to express

yourself," she said, twirling in her pink and burgundy ball gown.

Her parents and friends were not particularly surprised by her hobby, she said. "They think

I'm a bit more than just crazy."

The competition's winner, Christie Lee of Sydney, was overjoyed with her prize: a trip to

Japan to attend next year's Tokyo Anime Fair.

"It hasn't really sunk in yet,'' she said.

In two outfits - a blue Victorian dress and a tight red number - the 21-year-old explained

how her favourite series was like a "twisted version" of Lewis Carroll's Alice in


"I did a character named Alice from Pandora Hearts. Pretty much a girl who has a super power

and turns into a demon killer bunny," she explained, casually.

The surfing story

SURFING has taken seven-time world champion Layne Beachley around the world, but she never

thought she would end up in an exhibition.

A new collection celebrating the sport opened at the National Sports Museum at the MCG

yesterday, thrilling the wave-loving Beachley.

"I know, I was in a surfing museum before I was dead," she said, laughing.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I think that boards would be hanging up at the MCG."

Collections manager Jed Smith said The Long Ride: 100 Years of Australian Surfing traversed

the origins of the sport through to the professional circuit of today. The exhibition

stretches back to 1909 when Manly's Tommy Walker brought a board from Hawaii and started to

ride. (It was previously held that Hawaiian champion Duke Kahanamoku was the first to ride

local waves in the 1920s.)

Until interest spiked in the 1970s and '80s, surfing was amateur and recreational, he said.

"So to get hold of boards to see the evolution, it's quite extraordinary."

Beachley said her first boards were thick, wide and long. "We'd be encouraged to learn on

'moving sidewalks'," she said. "Now the craftsmanship is just amazing, and it's great to see

it be honoured and admired and appreciated."

The exhibition runs until the end of February.


Clannad Comice

Clannad (クラナド Kuranado?) is a Japanese visual novel created by the software company Key, who also produced the successful titles Kanon and Air. Key released a limited version for the PC on April 28, 2004, and the regular version less than four months later on August 8, 2004. The visual novel was later ported to the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Xbox 360. The gameplay in Clannad follows a linear plot line, which offers pre-determined scenarios and courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters.
While both of Key's first two previous works, Kanon and Air, had been released first as adult games and then censored for the younger market, Key's third work Clannad was released for all ages and does not contain risqué situations or even any fan service. On November 25, 2005, Key released an adult sequel-of-sorts entitled Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life which expands the scenario of Tomoyo Sakagami, one of the five heroines from Clannad.
Clannad has made several transitions to other media. There have been four manga series: the first serialized in the Japanese magazine Comic Rush, the second serialized in Comi Digi +, the third serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine and Dengeki G's Festival! Comic, and the fourth in Dragon Age Pure. An animated film by the animation studio Toei Animation was released on September 15, 2007, followed by two anime series including two original video animation (OVA) episodes by Kyoto Animation, which also animated the previous Key titles Air and Kanon. Lastly, there are two sets of drama CDs, totaling nine in all. Both anime series and their accompanying OVAs are localized and distributed by ADV Films. The first Clannad anime series was released in North America in two half-series box sets in March and May 2009. The Clannad After Story anime series will be released in North America in two half-series box sets starting in October 2009.
The visual novel and the animated adaptations including the two TV series and film have received high sales figures in Japan. Across the national ranking of bishōjo games in amount sold in Japan, the Clannad limited edition PC release premiered at number one twice since its release, and the third ranking brought the PC release down to forty-six out of fifty. Out of eight DVDs released for the first Clannad anime TV series, six were ranked first during their first week of sales for anime DVDs in Japan. Out of eight DVDs released for Clannad After Story, seven were ranked first during their first week of sales. The special edition film DVD first ranked at number three during its first week of sales.


The corporate lab as ringmaster

The Internet has changed many things, of course, but one of its more far-reaching effects has been to transform the economics of innovation.

The nation's big corporate research and development laboratories--at IBM, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard and a handful of other companies--have their roots and rationale in the industrial era, when communication was costly, information traveled slowly and social networks were fostered at conferences and lunchrooms instead of over the Web.

Crowdsourcing and other new, more open models of innovation are really byproducts of the low-cost communication and new networks of collaboration made possible by the Internet.


What is Actiq?

Actiq is a narcotic pain medicine.

Actiq treats "breakthrough" cancer pain that is not controlled by other medicines. This medication is not for short-term pain relief.

Actiq may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.


今川義元 (人物叢書) (単行本)


今川義元 (人物叢書) (単行本)-駿河・遠江・三河の三ヵ国を治めた戦国大名。桶狭間の戦で信長に敗れ、あえない最期を遂げた暗愚の将として語られてきた義元だが、謎に包まれた家督争いに 勝利して当主の座に就き、巧みな領国経営と法治主義をめざした武将であった。通説を見直しつつ、京都との交流で芽生えた今川文化にも迫るなど、知られざる 実像を浮き彫りにした義元伝の決定版。

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
有光 友學




第3回(通算24回)中間法人 日本臨床内科医会総会->



2003年スタディ 糖尿病の治療を選択する際の1回尿中ペプチド (CPR)測定の有用性に関する研究 〔大阪医学・大阪府医師会長賞受賞〕

現在実施中のスタディ 糖尿病療養指導の実態に関する臨床研究





Bueno!) こんにちは。と言うか、お帰りなさいかな。今日はカリフォルニアから帰ってきたばかりで、出身地の奈良でちょうど今、展覧会を開いているオバンこと松田大 児さんを訪ねていますが、アメリカは楽しかったんじゃないですか?ヴェンチュラのパタゴニア(本社・本店)では、すごい歓迎を受けたって聞きましたけど。 サイン会のようになったとか?

MATSUDA) うん。楽しかったね。またアメリカの人たちが褒め上手で・・・(笑)。

Bueno!) ちょっとした変化?

MATSUDA) すごい変化。イヴォン(シュイナード/ パタゴニア創始者)がまた落ち着いた静かな人で、すごいことをやり遂げてる人の謙虚さみたいなのがにじみ出てて・・・・。

今回ヴェンチュラでは次に展開してもらうトートバッグのデザインを見せてもらったりして、あとは波乗りして。僕は南もにぎやかで楽しいけど、ヴェ ンチュラの落ち着いた感じの方が合うみたい。海が冷たくてスーツ着て、ブーツはいて、改めて日ごろ自分たちがいかにいい環境でサーフィンしてるのか、再発 見したところもあるかな

Bueno!) その種子島で描いた朴訥とした正直者のアイランドスタイルがオバンの絵からは伝わってきて見ていて和みますよね。サーフィンしない人たちにもファンがいっぱいいて!

MATSUDA)そもそも自分が好きな芸術家たちの共通した生き方に、「つたなさ」とか純粋さとかを大切にしていると ころがあって、それって、たとえば商売してたらそういうふうにもいかないことも、アーティストとしてはそこを追及していける。実は自分は奈良で商売してい る家の跡取りだったんで、それまではずっと迷いがあって、自分の中で揺れてるって言うか・・・・。

昔子供の頃、書道の時間があって、初めて「もり」って書いて、このとき自分で書けた!って感じがした・・・。この書けた!って感じは自分の責任で決めたこ とって言うか、その感じが、たとえば自分がその後絵を描いて、これで描けた!って思うときも同じ感覚でね。芸術家の生き方に出会ったときも、この「もり」 を書けたって感じがあった。

Bueno!) 絵を描く前に生き方から?

MATSUDA)そう。最初はまだサーフィンを絵にすることはちょっと俗っぽい気がしてしたくなかった。ずっとあと で、いろいろと苦しい時期もあって、そんなとき、つくづくサーフィンってええなあ、と実感して、そうなってくるとそのすばらしさを周りにも伝えたくなっ て、次々と作品ができて。 サーフィンしてると、やっぱり僕が大事にしてる「つたなさ」とか自分の中の子どもを、いつまでも無くさずに大切にしていけるっていうか。自然と接してる訳 やしね。 サーフィンは一番長くやっていて、そこでは自分はどんどん自由になっていけてて、それに僕のアートが続いていってる感じかな?ほら、僕の本にも載ってる 「25年経ってまだ魔法がさめない」ってあるでしょ?あの感じ。

Bueno!) 種子島の生活も長くなりましたね。

MATSUDA) 14年。けど永住感覚はないんで、自分たちはずっと根を張らずにおったほうがええんかな、と思ってるし、なんか一生旅気分で。

Bueno!) ところで島のサーファー人口も増えたでしょう?

MATSUDA) 15年前45人だったのが300人に。それで島では種子島をサーフィンの島みたいな打ち出し方をする動きがあって、そうなったときにサーファーたちがいい形で島の動きに取り組んでいけるように、今からいろいろと話し合って考えているところ。
たとえば100年続けられるビーチクリーニングとかもそのひとつ。よく人間が自然を守ろうって言うけど、どこかおこがましい感じがするんで、自然に対して 常に謙虚な気持ちや教わる気持ちを忘れずにいたい・・・。サーファーって自分の中にいて、そういう謙虚な教えをしてくれる「古代人」に対して敏感な人種だ と思うし。

Bueno!) 今度は古代人ですか!?(笑)来年もまたスローライフから生まれる活躍を楽しみにしています。

イメージ* 奈良市に新しくオープンした「奈良界」のギャラリーで開催中の松田大児の展覧会は、残念ながらインタビューの日が最終日でした。『アロハ・ジャーニー』で お馴染みのアイランドスタイルの油絵に加え、松田氏がずっと続けて描いている墨と岩絵の具のオリエンタルな絵のシリーズも見ることができました。



情感问题: snowmay,你好,我男朋友小我7岁,我们才认识3个月,他对我很好,会给我穿袜子, 晚上我怕冷,他会先把被子弄热,然后让给我睡,晚上不管几点,只要我说饿了,他都会给我弄点吃的,我心情不好,他会一直哄我,上几天,我长智齿,他会坐接 近2个小时的车来看我,给我买粥喝,我让他每个月给我5000块,存到固定账户(结婚后用来买房子),他也答应,可是他才21,我总觉得我们年龄差距太 大,我不知道该不该继续这段感情。说实话,我还是很爱他的,虽然他对我也很好,可是我还是不确定他到底爱不爱我,我该怎么办? 【女人帮建议】 基于爱一个人与对一个人好几乎是对等关系的原理,他无论是生活上的照顾还是经济上的交付都已经足够证明对你不错,你还需要别人来帮你确认他到底是不是爱你,那么我只能用“你在晒幸福”来评价此事。 反倒应该正视的是你自己的心态,你应该承认自己是不是真的那么爱他,除了这七岁的年龄差距,你是否还有其他方面的需求和顾虑。 至于该怎么办,姐弟恋从来就不是新鲜事,更非畸形恋,姐弟恋中幸福的伴侣比比皆是,分道扬镳的恋人也不是没有,对,它就跟其他任何恋爱类型一样,有的分有的合有的满足的痛苦,跟当事人有关,跟恋爱类型本身无关的。